Joe steeping the grains.

The wort with hops added.

Jen smelling the wort as it gets cooled in an ice bath.

The ale fermenting in the loft.
We brewed this ale when we had some out of town visitors in order to sway them into brewing their own.
Brewed on 1/17/10 with an original gravity of 1.042 and a final gravity when bottled on 1/30/10. Giving it an ABV of about 4%.
We first tasted this beer way to early 2/6/10. We were hoping it would be ready by the super bowl but it wasn't. Our second try on the 11th was much better. We are finding now that the longer the beer ages the better it tastes. We will most likely not drink much of this until the pale ale and porter are gone. The porter which has been bottled almost a month now is amazing. The Joy of Home Brewing recommends saving a 6 pack of each beer brewed to drink at the two month mark to show its true flavor. Hopefully we can restrain ourselves.
We spent 24.95 on the Irish Red and if we bought it at the store it would be around 50 dollars. Which makes us 113.63 in the hole.