My seed order came in the mail the other day. So I am one step closer to a vegetable garden! Now if only we could get that plot rototilled!
Seed list
Celery- I got Red Venture Celery. I love the idea of getting vegetables in different colors than I am accustomed to.
Carrots - I have two variety that I will try. One is Purple and one is White.
Onions- Redbeard scallions, bunching onions, storage onions, and candy onions. We love onions. We went through 5 lbs last week! Can't wait to eat some straight from the garden.
Lots of Greens - Romaine lettuce, Spinach, Kale, Chard.. also tops from carrots, radishes, beets.
Radish - I got a variety pack and some that are red on the inside. These are mainly for Joe. I still have bad childhood associations with them. I will be that ones from my own garden will persuade me into liking them.
Beets - We love beets. We got a bright red early variety, golden, and chioggia. Yum I can't wait!
Beans - I thought a lot about beans. I am just trying out one kind this year. Lima. They are a bush bean for some reason needed to have something for pole beans to climb up seems intimidating. Maybe next year.
Cucumbers- A Pickling variety. Hmmm we made our very first batch of pickles last year. Hopefully 6 plants will produce enough for us.
Melon - There is a bed which is already raised that we just decided to use .. so why not try our hand at some melon growing.
Squash - Also in the new plot we will grow some butternut squash.
I didn't want to grow anything inside our first year. Again it sounds complicated. So only direct seeding for us. That being said we are going to have to buy some starts for somethings. Like tomatoes, and all of the herbs I want to start.
Also in that picture is a Garden Planner book that my sister-in-law gave Joe and I as a wedding gift. So far I have recorded our whole ornamental garden in it's pages. There is also a section to keep track of seeds, and a calendar of todos. It is the perfect gift as I love to be organized!