My little babies are so big now. They are actually starting to look like chickens! I still can't believe it. We put them outside around April 1st. They were about 5 weeks old and I needed their room for human company. I mothered them though and insisted that the heat lamp go in there with them.. We left it on for a while but the nights have really begun to warm up and they always sleep tucked away under a their roost (they don't quite get it yet). We keep them upstairs when we are not home and give them free reign of the full coop when we are. When we are hanging out in the backyard we let them wander and eat bugs. They are pretty amazing. They can spot a bug, chase it, and pick it out of the air. Betsy is kind of stupid we think. When we let them out she just stays upstairs and stares. When I let them wonder the yard I have to phycially move her or she won't wander around. Helen is the clear leader and Henrietta is her little side kick. I wanted them in my site the other day so I have to move them one by one from the side of the house to the back yards. I moved Henrietta first and went back to get Helen. By the time I turned around, Helen in my arms Henrietta was making a b-line for me freaking out for Helen. I put Helen down and Henrietta ran straight into her. I guess it is her sign of affection. I brought Betsy over last, she got a lesser welcome. They have outgrouwn their waterer but I haven't made it to the Urban Farm Store yet to pick up a new one. That means I have to change their chick waterer like 3-4 times a day. It could be done more but I have work. So they have to deal.
Smoky Black Bean Soup
Serves 2 people - 2+ meals each
Cook Book - 500 Vegan Recipes
Ingredients -
1 Lb of Dry Black Beans
1 Cup Chopped Onions
1 Cup Chopped Red Onions
2 Tbs of ...
14 years ago
Oh, I almost missed your chicken update! They look great! Ours were 4 weeks old last Friday, and I can't believe how fast they grow, even though we've raised chicks before! Ours got to go outside for the first time over the weekend (I'll post an update with some video this Friday). It is funny how they look like little miniature chickens. It's also fun to see how their little personalities develop. I'm sure Betsy isn't stupid...probably just an introvert :P So glad you're having fun with them!