We have been increasingly wondering if Betsy is a rooster. We started noticing a week or so ago that we can hear her calling (for lack of a better word) when we pull the truck into the driveway. She has started to call, quite loudly at other times as well. It doesn't sound like a cock-a-doodle-do... nor any sound I can replicate. She doesn't have spurs.. but her facial stuff is getting sorta big.. but since we have never had chickens before have nothing to compare it to. We shall see how this turns out.
Smoky Black Bean Soup
Serves 2 people - 2+ meals each
Cook Book - 500 Vegan Recipes
Ingredients -
1 Lb of Dry Black Beans
1 Cup Chopped Onions
1 Cup Chopped Red Onions
2 Tbs of ...
14 years ago