When we first bought our house our inspector told me it was an interesting location. He described my neighborhood as a mix of urban, suburbs and rural. It doesn't feel urban to me currently but there will be a light rail system that will pass near by in 2015 so maybe then. It is like the suburbs but I wasn't seeing the rural until all in one day we were visited by bees and a deer. The hubby is out the door before 6am and spotted a deer in the neighbors yard! My garden seemed fine so no need for a fence yet.
After work that same day I put my bike in the shed and went into the house. Just a minute later the husband was heading to the shed to grab a shovel when he runs back inside and said I must have disturbed something because the shed was a buzz. With some courage I went outside to see a swarm of bees take hold of our holly trees. They are pretty far off the ground and haven't bothered us yet... but I do hope that they find a home not in our shed or house soon.
If your bees become bothersome, you might be able to locate a local bee-keeper to help remove them. Many are only too happy to come and hive a swarm, rather than lose them to the exterminator. This site may help you locate someone near you:
Seems you might need to consider a deer fence too? Our deer population here seems to be exploding this spring!