Oh My, Where has the time gone? It is already almost July!
The gardens are doing so well. They look nothing like they did in May! We bought some tomatoes and planted them in late May. We bought 7 this year. 5 for the front garden and two of the cherry variety for the Chicken Garden. Plus we have had so many volunteers popping up. I replanted 4 of them yesterday. Two into pots and two into the ornamental garden. Plus there are 5 more that we are going to let do their thing in the garden. PLUS I gave 4 plants away. I have no idea what variety they are... I suppose since we planted open pollination plants they could be a hybrid. We will have to see if they produce!
We also have some volunteers that I am not sure what they are. I thought at first they were cucumbers but I don't think that is the case now that the cucumbers are up from the seeds I planted. So now I think the plant is either Pumpkin or Butternut squash. Squash would make more sense since I actually had that in the garden last year but we did compost a pumpkin and then use that compost in the garden so it could be that too. I can't wait to find out what we have growing. I gave 4 of those away and kept a handful to fill out my viney section.

Beets and Carrots Can't Wait!

Mystery Plant!