the oreganos, marjoram, and thyme are all doing well. So are the chives! Holy moly I didn't even know it was a perennial and man is that thing huge! I added some parsley and lemon balm so far. The basil will go in hopefully soon and I still need some cilantro and dill. Hopefully I will have room! Since this is the second year for the rhubarb I can pick a few stalks and next year I can harvest at will! I wanted to plant more this year but couldn't find any crown at the store. Maybe next year I guess.
Smoky Black Bean Soup
Serves 2 people - 2+ meals each
Cook Book - 500 Vegan Recipes
Ingredients -
1 Lb of Dry Black Beans
1 Cup Chopped Onions
1 Cup Chopped Red Onions
2 Tbs of ...
14 years ago
What out for those chives! In my last garden, they were so happy they started popping up in the lawn! I've solved that problem now, I don't have a lawn ;) I love herb gardens, it is amazing how many of the plants survive through winter so well. Our sage this year has exploded in blooms, much to the delight of the bees, and the thyme too. I expect your thyme will blooming soon, it's such a pretty herb in flower. out for those chives ;)