Sunday, March 14, 2010

Outside Adventures.

Helen was obsessed with eating the pear tree blossoms.
Helen never wanted Henrietta to get any blossoms.
She would run up and steal then right from her beak.
They will have lots of outdoor trips this week as temps are expected to peak at 68!


  1. Aren't they gorgeous ... obviously they have a taste for pear tree blossoms! Nice photos.

  2. How adorable! It is fun to watch the interactions between chickens. They're very good at playing the "hey wait, that's MINE" game. If one of our girls finds a particularly choice bug, she'll run around in circles, with other hens in chase, playing keep-away...if she'd just eat the silly thing, they'd give up and leave her alone!

  3. they are sooo cute when they're small! it's great that you are handling them alot. we bought our chix at about 1 month old and they have never been very friendly. have fun!
