I have always plotted that the garden that was already dug infront of our house. I looked into growning the herbs from seeds but that required starting them inside. Inside seemed complicated to me.. having lights and soil blocks and stuff i see people using on other blogs. Instead I thought I would spend the three dollars per plant and see how they yield throughout the year. If it is worth it to buy the herb this way then great i will continue doing so or if it is cheaper at the farmers market then next year I will let the farmers grow it for me. Some of them will be worth it as they are perennials so the cost of 3 dollars (or less will go down as the years go one - providing I can keep them alive)
So I got
2 parsley
2 greek oregano
1 golden oregano
1 fennel
2 chives
1 marjorium
2 rosemary (adding to the one I already had- I bought a big one on clearance. I hope it doesn't die.. a branch already fell off.. but it is more rosemary then I could buy at the grocery store for the price so it was a deal either way.)
1 curry plant
7 mint plants (two peppermints, two spearmint, 1 apple mint, 1 orange mint, 1 chocolate mint.
Roman chamomile (I also have german in seed form)
2 regular thymes
1 lemon tyme
2 dills
1 small lavender (for the husbands tea)
I can't believe I forgot basil! Unless I just didn't see it or it is to early to put into the ground?