Monday, April 26, 2010

Herb Garden

I have always plotted that the garden that was already dug infront of our house. I looked into growning the herbs from seeds but that required starting them inside. Inside seemed complicated to me.. having lights and soil blocks and stuff i see people using on other blogs. Instead I thought I would spend the three dollars per plant and see how they yield throughout the year. If it is worth it to buy the herb this way then great i will continue doing so or if it is cheaper at the farmers market then next year I will let the farmers grow it for me. Some of them will be worth it as they are perennials so the cost of 3 dollars (or less will go down as the years go one - providing I can keep them alive)

So I got
2 parsley
2 greek oregano
1 golden oregano
1 fennel
2 chives
1 marjorium
2 rosemary (adding to the one I already had- I bought a big one on clearance. I hope it doesn't die.. a branch already fell off.. but it is more rosemary then I could buy at the grocery store for the price so it was a deal either way.)
1 curry plant
7 mint plants (two peppermints, two spearmint, 1 apple mint, 1 orange mint, 1 chocolate mint.
Roman chamomile (I also have german in seed form)
2 regular thymes
1 lemon tyme
2 dills
1 small lavender (for the husbands tea)

I can't believe I forgot basil! Unless I just didn't see it or it is to early to put into the ground?


  1. You've got quite alot of herbs there and most of them are really ornamentals too so you will have a great looking border. I normally keep my mints in a pot and then submerge the pot in the ground so that I can keep their roots restricted. As for the basil - it hates being cold so you might have to keep it indoors until all the risk of frost is over. ( well thats advice from a UK gardener - a US one might tell you something different) :) Rosie

  2. My mint is totally in a pot. I have more than once walked around the neighborhood and have seen mint lawns. They smell lovely but can't be very nice to work on. I just put my basil in it is about a week past our average last frost date so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
