Tuesday, June 8, 2010

3 Month old chickens.

The chickens continue to grow up to fast. They look more and more like adult chickens all the time. They are intensely curious and come out of their coop to greet new people or to scare away a stray bird that lands in the yard. Next month we will start supplementing their diet with oyster shells to get some calcium in them to prepare for egg production.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't you glad you took some photos of them when they were chicks? It's difficult to believe how much they grow in such a short space of time! Your girls looks great, and very happy in their yard. I noticed the other day that even though mine are about a month behind yours, that some of their feather patterns have become much more prominent in the last week or so. Baby chick season was fun while it lasted, but now we're both getting some beautiful looking chickens!
